Engineering Integrity Society

a unique way for engineers in industry to exchange ideas and experience

Effective Road Load Data Acquisition

D41095-03913 November 2019, MIRA Technology Institute

This event is aimed at Engineers and Technicians who are interested in data collection on vehicles. The day will discuss the basic considerations required during a typical data collection; from initial specification, through installation, data collection and data handling as well as the many applications of the data. There will also be a demonstration of the installation of transducers including a wheel force transducer.

Provisional Programme
0930 Registration & Refreshments
0950 Introduction to the EIS – TBC
1000 Fundamentals of Data Collection – Bill Dyer, HORIBA MIRA
          Typical data collection from initial specification, through installation, data collection            and data handling.
1030 Wheel Force Transducers – Tips and Tricks – PCB Piezotronics~
          Application examples and how to get the best results from a WFT. Best practice and              tips on overcoming common issues.
1100 The Integration of Load Cells into a test vehicle – Jon Hewitt, HORIBA MIRA         
          Selecting the right force transducer with minimal effect on the vehicle system. This              will discuss single axis, tri-axis and multi-axis (Wheel Force) transducers and their              installation into the vehicle.
1130 Refreshments
1200 Instrumented Vehicle Suspension Demonstration – Duncan Jones, HORIBA MIRA
          A simple vehicle suspension rig to illustrate the difficulties of installing various                      transducers due to the complexity of suspension motion and harshness of the road                environment.
1230 Lunch
13.15 Using technology to deliver more data, faster, with greater confidence – TBC,           
13.45 What to do with RLD – Craig Cochrane, HORIBA MIRA
           In vehicle development, Road Load Data (RLD) is used as a core tool to create                       correlated test specifications; drive CAE and rig simulations; and verify the                             performance of systems and components. This presentation covers five mini case                   studies that use RLD to deliver a result.
14.15 Alternative ways of data collection from around the world: Examples of                   
          unconventional concepts of durability instrumentation and testing – Daniel Foerder,            imc Test & Measurement GmbH
14.45 Refreshments
1500 Estimation of static and dynamic load distribution in vehicle bodies and estimation              of dynamic responses – Richard Cornish, Birmingham City University
1530 How to estimate your analysis results’ accuracies based on uncertainties in the raw                data – Daniel Foerder, imc Test & Measurement GmbH
1600 Closing Comments

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