Engineering Integrity Society

a unique way for engineers in industry to exchange ideas and experience

Fatigue 2007

F2007_2mon-04The 6th Engineering Integrity Society International Conference on Durability and Fatigue, Queens’ College, Cambridge, UK, 26-28 March 2007

The following papers were presented:


Day 1

PLENARY PRESENTATION: Jean-Louis Chaboche, ONERA, France
A review of some life prediction methodologies for critical components under complex thermomechanical environments

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: R Sunder, BiSS Research, India
A unifying model of variable-amplitude fatigue based on crack driving force and material resistance

Session 1 – Variable Amplitude
Fatigue lifetime prediction of aeronautical components
M L Pastor, X Balandraud, J L Robert and M Grédiac – Université Blaise Pascal, France

Fatigue behaviour and lifetime calculation of metals under random loading
F Walther
 and D Eifler – University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Statistical analysis of constant amplitude and different variable amplitude fatigue spectra

P Johannesson1, B Johannesson2, T Svensson1 and M Karlsson1,2,3
1Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre 2Volvo 3P Durability& Reliability, 3Chalmers Univ, Sweden

Advanced analysis for frequency domain life estimation
F Sherratt
1, N W M Bishop2 and T Dirlik3  1Engineering Consultant, 2RLD Ltd, 3Dirlik Controls Ltd, UK

A review and comparison of the most commonly used algorithms in crack growth analysis when applied to variable amplitude loads
A Halfpenny – nCode International, UK

Session 2 – Multi Axial
Evaluation of lifetime prediction methods for multiaxial fatigue on the basis of bi-axial testing of disc alloy Udimet 720LI at elevated temperatures
H Schlums1, W Rothkegel1, A Thomas2 and A Varga1,3
1Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd, 2Siempelkamp Pruf- und Gutachter-Gessellschaft GmbH, Germany, 3 Cambridge Univ, UK

Fatigue crack growth in shafts using the finite element method
R Sabesan, S B Leen, & E J Williams – University of Nottingham, UK

Computational coverage of region of high-cycle multiaxial fatigue and some of its results
J Papuga
 & M Růžička – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Simulation and life prediction analysis of multiaxial tension-torsion thermo-mechanical fatigue tests
F Gallerneau
, V Bonnand, D Pacou and D Poirier – ONERA, France

Effects of multiaxial loading on early crack growth of a high strength steel and aluminium alloy
L Reis, B Li, R Correia and M de Freitas – Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Darrell Socie, University of Illinois, USA
Thermomechanical fatigue made easy – D. Socie & B. Socie

Session 3 – High Temperature/TMF
Determination of the material parameters for Sehitoglu’s TMF life prediction model
Cs Halászi
, A Nelhiebel, C Gaier and H Dannbauer – MAGNA Powertrain, Austria

High power RF induced thermal fatigue in the high gradient CLIC accelerating structures
S Heikkinen
1,2, S Calatroni1, G Arnau Izquierdo1, W Wunsch1 and H Neupert1
1CERN, Switzerland, 2Helsinki Univ., Finland

A comparison of high temperature fatigue properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel standard and miniature fatigue specimens using non-contact extensometry
M D Callaghan
1, S R Humphries2, M Law2 and W Y Yeung1
1University of Technology, Sydney 2Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia

Automatic fatigue crack growth in nickel base superalloy at elevated temperature
R Branco
1,  F Antunes2, J A Martins Ferreira2 and J Miguel3
1 Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, 2 University of Coimbra, 3 University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Assessment of the high temperature stress relaxation properties of ferritic pressure vessel steel
S R Humphries
1,2, K U Snowden1 and W Y Yeung2
1Australian Nuclear Sci. & Tech. Organisation, 2Univ. of Technology Sydney, Australia

Session 4 – Materials & Microstructure
Low cycle fatigue damage and phase interactions in a superduplex stainless steel
R Lin Peng
1, G C Chai2, N Jia3, Y D Wang3 and S Johansson1
1Linköping University, Sweden 2Sandvik Materials Tech, Sweden, 3Northeastern University, China

Modelling temperature effects on stress-lifetime fatigue curves in the finite-lifetime region
J Kohout1 and S Vechet2
1University of Defence, 2Brno Univ., Czech Republic

An interpolation method to predict elastic-plastic notch stresses and strains for a power hardening material under large scale yielding
R Sabesan, S B Leen and T H Hyde – University of Nottingham, UK

Near-bifurcation fatigue cracking of surface-hardened and notched metallic rods
A A Shaniavskiy
 and Y I Koltsun – State Centre for Safety of Civil Aviation Flights, Russia

Influence of isothermal transformation temperature on fatigue properties of ADI
S Vechet1J Kohout2, L Klakurkova1, K Hanzlikova1 and V Hruby2
1Brno University of Technology, 2Univ. of Defence, Czech Republic

EVENING PRESENTATION: Prof Rod Smith, Imperial College London
Reflections on a fatigue life !

Day 2

Session 5 – Environmental Resistance
Effect of combined shot-peening and PEO treatment on fatigue life of 2024 Al alloy
D T Asquith, A L Yerokhin, J R Yates and A M Matthews – University of Sheffield, UK

Corrosion fatigue in a 12% chromium steel through the effects of aqueous salt environments
K M Perkins
 and M R Bache – University of Wales Swansea, UK

The influence of corrosion damage on fatigue in an aerospace aluminium alloy
C C Morgans
1, M R Bache1 and  S H Spence2
1University of Wales Swansea, 2BAE SYSTEMS UK

Session 6 Contact Fatigue
Understanding gear fatigue performance
K E Austin, C J Aylott and B A Shaw – University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

The influence of vacuum carbon-nitriding on the fatigue resistance of gears
M Koshimune
1, K Matsui1, W Nakao2 and K Ando2
1Isuzu Motors Ltd, 2Yokohama National University, Japan

A new methodology to increase fatigue limit and its application to gears, springs and bellows
K Ando
, K Takahashi and W Nakao – Yokohama National University, Japan

Session 8 – Fabricated Structures

Effect of holding time on fatigue behaviour of spot friction joined NG5754 aluminium sheets
L Han1, N Blundle1, Z Lu2, M. Shergold2 and A Chrysanthou3
1University of Warwick, 2Jaguar & Land Rover, 3University of Hertfordshire, UK

Fatigue strength of welded stainless steel connections in rectangular hollow section members
L Huhtala, V-M Lihavainen and G Marquis – Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Structural hot spot stress based fatigue design of welded structures using finite element analysis
L W Wei and S J Maddox – TWI Ltd, UK

Session 10 Peening

Re-orientation of residual strains under cyclic loading
D T Asquith1, D J Hughes2, D G Hattingh3, M N James4 and  J R Yates1
1University of Sheffield, UK, 2ESRF, Grenoble, 3Port Elizabeth Technikon, SA, 4University of Plymouth, UK

Effect of shot peening on fatigue strength of surface flawed sample
F Takahashi1, A Tange1, K Ando2 and Y Ono1
1NHK Spring Co, 2Yokohama National University, Japan

Cavitation peening to improve the fatigue strength of nitrocarburized steel
S Fukuda1, K Matsui1 H Ishigami1 and  K Ando2
1ISUZU Motors Limited, 2Yokohama National University, Japan

Session 11 – Ceramics

High temperature fracture behaviour of crack-healed mullite/ SiC whisker/ SiC particle multi-composite
W Nakao1, J Nakamura1, M Yokouchi2, K Takahashi1 and  K Ando1
1Yokohama National University, Japan, 2Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Institute

Fatigue strength of heavily machined and crack healed Si3N4 from 300K to 1673K
Y-S Jung1,K Ando1, K Takahashi1, W Nakao1 and S Saito2
1Yokohama National University, 2NHK Spring Co., Japan

High temperature fatigue strength of heavily machined and crack healed alumina
T Osada1,W Nakao1, K Takahashi1, K Ando1and S Saito2
1Yokohama National University, 2NHK Spring Co, Ltd, Japan

Session 12 – Lifing Techniques
On the statistical properties of component response to road inputs
C J Dodds1 and C Awate2
1Dodds & Assoc, Scotland, 2Tata Motors, India

A general fatigue parametric model considering the stress level effect
E Castillo1, A Fernandez-Canteli2,      M López-Aenlle2 and M L Ruiz-Ripoll1
1Univ. of Cantabria, 2Univ. of Oviedo, Spain

The VerityTM weld fatigue method
P Dong1 and J Draper2
1Center for Welded Structures Research, Battelle, USA, 2Safe Technology Limited, UK

Day 3

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Trevor Lindley, Imperial College London, UK
A through process model to predict microstructure and defect formation and their influence on the fatigue life of cast automotive components
T C Lindley, P D Lee, P Li and D M Maijer

Session 13 – Processing and Manufacturing
Statistical methods to define lower bounds to strain-life fatigue curves
P A Blackmore – Jaguar-Land Rover, UK

Effect of stress amplitude on fatigue damage in interstitial free steel sheet
S Majumdar1, D Bhattacharjee1 and K K Ray2
1Tata Steel Ltd, 2Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Correlating component fatigue testing of a vehicle cross-member with CAE analysis including some manufacturing effects
P A Blackmore1, A Fanourakis2 and N Thornton3
1Jaguar-Land Rover, 2GKN Autostructures, 3nCode International, UK

What is now available makes the case for new investment
N Thornton
– nCode International, UK

Fatigue behaviour of a powder processed Ti 6Al 4V alloy
P H Hurley1, M R Bache1, J Mei2, X Wu2,  M H Loretto2 and W E Voice3
1Univ. Wales Swansea, 2Univ. of Birmingham, 3Rolls-Royce plc, UK

Session 14 – Industrial Service
Vibration induced stud failures in a gas turbine exhaust duct
A A Johnson1 and R J Storey2
1Metal Research Inc., USA, 2University of Louisville, USA

Durability and reliability prediction of cylinder heads using finite element analysis
J W A Brown1, L J Page1 and Y Shimayama
1Ricardo UK

Survey of fatigue failures in helicopter components and lessons learnt
D P Davies, B C Gittos, F R Belben and S L Jenkins – AugustaWestland, UK  

Robust and reliable fatigue design of automotive and aerospace structures
R d’Ippolito1, M Hack1, S Donders1,    H Van der Auweraer1, N Tzannetakis2 L Farkas2, W Desmet2
1LMS International, Belgium and Germany, 2Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Quantifying the vibration fatigue performance of offshore subsea structures
R Swindell1, H G D Goyder2, T Jee3,   M Every4 and L Billingham5
1Bureau Veritas, 2Cranfield Univ, 3Trevor Jee Assoc., 4Sound Research Labs, 5BP, UK

PLENARY PRESENTATION: Grzegorz Glinka, University of Waterloo, Canada
Unification of the notch strain-life and fatigue crack growth theories
G. Glinka, A. Noroozi, S. Mikheevskiy

PLENARY PRESENTATION: Paul Bowen, University of Birmingham, UK
Lifing issues for fibre reinforced titanium MMCs under fatigue loading

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