Engineering Integrity Society

a unique way for engineers in industry to exchange ideas and experience

Corporate Membership

EIS corporate membership

become a corporate member

Corporate membership of the EIS is a great way to build your business and reach new customers. Our events are well-attended and their informal style creates ample opportunity for networking

Benefits of Corporate Membership

£450 + VAT per annum

What our Corporate Members Say

"Datron Technology Ltd has been associated with EIS as a corporate member for many years and this has always shown good value for us. We find the exhibitions and events keep us in touch with our main customers especially the Silverstone Instrumentation, Analysis & Testing where we have face to face meetings with engineering end users."

John grist
Datron Technology
“EIS membership gives us great access to others within the same type of marketplace and product interest, in a friendly and professional environment”
tony rokins
Interface Force Measurements
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