10 Davy Court
Central Park
CV23 0UZ
Tel: 01788 568714
Fax: 01223 389 919
Email: tony.shepperson@head-acoustics.com and Gillian.Phillips@head-acoustics.com
Website: https://www.head-acoustics.de/eng/index.htm
Contact: Tony Shepperson (Managing Director) and Gillian Phillips (Office Administrator)
HEAD acoustics has developed hardware and software solutions for measuring and analysing sound events on the basis of aurally-accurate recording and playback systems, which have become today’s industry standard. In addition, HEAD acoustics researched and developed numerous internationally-approved measurement tools in other fields of noise and vibration and telecommunication technology.
HEAD acoustics has subsidiaries in the USA, Japan, France and more recently the UK. As part of its worldwide representation, HEAD acoustics closely cooperates with numerous international sales partners.