Safe Technology

Willis House
Peel Street
S10 2PQ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 114 2686444
Fax: +44 (0) 114 303 0055
Contact: Jessica Dawson

Safe Technology Limited is a technical leader in the design and development of durability analysis software and develops fe-safe®. As a private company, we take a long-term view of software R&D to ensure cutting edge technology and unsurpassed levels of accuracy. fe-safe® allows fast, easy and accurate fatigue life predictions for FE models, includes a full signal processing suite and advanced loading definition and analysis capabilities. It includes specialist add-on modules covering TMF, creep fatigue, the analysis of rotating components, welded joints (Verity®) composite and Rubber materials. fe-safe® directly interfaces to leading FEA suites and integrates into design optimisation software such as ABAQUS, ANSYS Workbench, DS Isight and FE-Design’s TOSCA.

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