Engineering Integrity Society

a unique way for engineers in industry to exchange ideas and experience

The Future of Hydraulics in Mechanical Testing

This one day event was held at Moog, Tewkesbury for engineers interested in the use
of Electro-Hydraulics (EH) in mechanical testing for performance, durability and fatigue and developments in force application.

Hydraulic System Overview – Norman Thornton, Engineering Consultant
A brief description of the basic elements system will be followed by the effect of performance when specifying amplitude, frequency combined with equipment.
An Insight into the Complex Nature of Structural Testing – Stephen Barrett, MIET, MRAeS, Systems Services
Differences between the nature of the specimens, the definition of service life and techniques used to test between Automotive, Aerospace and Structural Industries were explored.
Rotary hydraulic actuators; applications in testing and shaft torque calibration – Jarek Rosinski, CEO, Transmission Dynamics
The use of rotary torque actuators in back-to-back testing of transmission systems and shaft torque calibration is discussed, exploring typical challenges and examples.
The Application of Elecro-Mechanical Test Systems and their use in Load Application – Job Moermon (Test Systems, Moog Nieuw Vennep)
EH Test systems has been the natural choice for static and dynamic load applications. However, recent advances in EM technology offers complementary technology. Job Moermon gave an insight into the development of this technology, considering the cost and practical benefits and reviewed the pros and cons of both EH and EM when applied to Mechanical Testing.

Presentations from the day

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